I've been rolling the Columbia 300 Rival for a year now. I figured it was time to post some thoughts.
First of all about me....
I'm pretty much a tweener with medium revs and medium ball speed. Average of mid 190's on our house shot.
Pin placement is slightly above and almost in the ring finge.
As far as the ball:
This ball is the first ball out of the bag (sometimes the only one I take to league even). The surface allows the ball to get down the lane without burning up it's energy, saving it for the backend where it's needed. The ball starts to rev up slightly in the midlane. The break on the ball is super predictable. The is definately not a skid/flip ball.
The ball typically carries very well. The pins stay low and tend to take out corners fairly consistently. It will carry light pocket hits though typically not high (drives too hard).
I give the ball a 9 out of 10.