
Comparisons of Methods of Calculating Rev Rate

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After trying the different methods of calculating the rpm's.

Using a test video.

I've tried counting the rotations as the ball goes down the lane. (gave a result that was 450 rpm.)

Example (this is a new video from Storm to use with their new Matchmaker app page.)

I then tried the USBC method that uses counting 10 frames & how many hours the ball turns (1 rotation = 12 hours). (This method resulted in 420 rpm)

I then tried the ITRC rev calculator, where you count how many frames it take for 1 revolution. (This method resulted in 450 rpm.)

I then tried the bowlingchat wiki method. (This method resulted in a 427 rpm.)

So the 4 methods produced result's that ranged from 420 to 450 rpm's for the same video.

IMO Whichever method is easier for you to do, produces about the same results as long as your as accurate as you can be in your timing and counting.

So Check your rpms over several shots, average them and you should be close enough.

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